How to Turn Your Fear Into Fuel?


Are you scared, fearful, anxious about what’s there in future?

Don’t worry, this 17 Minutes TED Talk from an experimenter of life (of his own) will teach you great lessons. It will teach you how to turn your fear from a source of anxiety and paralysis into fuel for action and achievement.

Watch this super exciting story of a lawyer turned into lifestyle entrepreneur and how he used his fear to win his game.


If you want to know more about Jonathan Fields, he is a former private equity attorney turned lifestyle-entrepreneur, blogger, speaker etc.

He is also an author of the best-selling book “Uncertainty”– a book, which goes on to explain how every achiever has faced a tremendous amount of uncertainty before each significant innovation happened on this planet and how this is quite normal for every creative and innovative process. The book goes on to explain in greater details as to how to react in the face of uncertainty and turn your fears in doses of actions.

His recent book “How to Live a Good Life” has also turned into a best-seller.

@JonathanFields loves to stories and ideas that inspire him and blogs at



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