Do you have serious doubts about your competencies?

Do you really think that the world is made for others to shine and you just watching them?

Do you think that destiny is more powerful than your approach to the life?

If the answer to either of questions is yes, then keep reading, as Tony Robbins can definitely disturb your belief and shatter your doubts and help you achieve your ultimate goals.

But, who is Tony Robbins?

Most of the people know Tony (@TonyRobbins) as world’s most sought out self-help author, motivational speaker, personal development coach, strategic coach to help you achieve peak performance in everything you do. (watch out for more at

Whether it’s in your business, your health, your finances, your relationship, your emotions, or your time, Tony’s work can help you create an extraordinary quality of life today.

World Class thought leaders, sportsperson, celebrities, a business magazine like Stephen Covey, Ken Blanchard, Deepak Chopra, Andre Agassi, Serena Williams, Forbes Magazine, New York times have praised his extraordinary work to change the lives of the people around.

Recently, he was reported as one of the key Global thought leader on how to navigate through this global environment of VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity) along with Warren Buffet, Jeff Immelt, Seth Godin and others.

Okay, let’s come to the topic, as to how Tony can really help you by his best seller book titled “Awaken the Giant within”. Though the book is decades old, the wisdom shared is definitely evergreen and is applicable in all phases of life.



This book is a great product, which has the strong power to get to your inside and extract the ultimate treasures lying buried in you.  It helps you in below ways.

  1. It tells how you to unleash the power within by helping you understand the psychology of how our mind is greatly affected by belief systems.
  2. It narrates well that the whole human decisions are governed by ‘pain’ and ‘pleasure’ i.e. our actions are always done to avoid the pain or to get the pleasures and the intensity of pain or pleasures determines our decision to do the action.
  3. It describes how the change can happen in an instant.
  4. It tells you how to get what you really want.
  5. There is a vocabulary of ultimate success as well as ten emotions of power contained in it.
  6. The book explains how our master system works and how we can take control of our lives.
  7. Lastly, it doesn’t leave you there with the whole bunch of ideas. It holds your hands to shape your life in seven days by concentrating in all aspects of your life i.e. emotional, physical, Relationship, Financial destiny etc.

How does this all sounds? Am sure, it’s amazing and you must be feeling it’s too much or too good to be true.

“Action is the foundational key to all success” Pablo Picasso

So you have to start at some point in life to take control of your life and change the things around you. Take action to Awaken the Giant within You here.



Som Bathla
Som Bathla

Som Bathla loves to and has written many books on developing a growth oriented mindset, increasing productivity, better time management and other areas of personal development. You may check out all his books at He has good plans to continuously create more action guides to help readers to lead a resourceful life. He lives in NCR of Delhi, India with his family. While not working, he loves to spend time with his family, traveling and exploring the next best things.

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