The journey towards best of your dreams is not as straightforward as you may think. You will have a share of roadblocks, obstacles, failures on the way.

Therefore, often one comes across lots of roadblocks on one’s journey towards goals. Like below:

Sometimes, it is what if I failfear of failure.

Sometimes it is “what will people think about me”- fear of society’s acceptance.

Sometimes it is our own mindset “Probably it’s not for me”- lack of self-confidence.

In the following 5 motivational videos and inspirational videos, you will see how successful people like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg and much more have nurtured their dreams, how failures have become stepping stones to their success.

And above all, you can instantly boost your confidence and start believing, “if they can do it, then I too CAN”.

So, Come on!  Have your strong dose full of inspirational quotes and motivational sayings and life changing success secrets from our superstars on this planet.Dare To Live Your Dreams

1. Dare To Live Your Dreams

A truly inspiring message about following your dreams, as attaining your dreams gives the real meaning to life.

Loaded with tons of success quotes!


2.  If you have never failed, You have never lived. Because Living Life = Taking Risk

The True meaning of life lies in taking actions, accepting challenges and learning from the failures of life. This short clipping showing how all the successful personalities for the likes of Abraham Lincoln, Walt Disney, Thomas Edison have faced tons of failures before success kissed their feet at the last. Enjoy this short video.

3. How Great I Am

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act, but a habit”- Aristotle

Enjoy this truly inspirational Video

4. Steve Jobs – Inspirational Speech “If Today Were The Last Day Of My Life

This was the question, which Steve Jobs asked himself on daily basis in front of mirror and see what answer he got. Short inspirational video.

5. Never Give Up! Don’t be afraid to fail

This is last, but surely not the least!

With clippings from great Hollywood movies of the likes of “Pursuit of Happiness” featuring Will Smith and lots of success quotes, this video will definitely pump up your adrenaline rush. Go get your dose of inspiration.

If you got inspired after watching these, generously spread the message and play your part to inspire the world.

If you wish to have a further dose with life changing motivational and inspirational quotes, go and review my previous blog with 50 Inspirational and motivational quotes to boost your confidence.

You may want to have a quick look at the productivity books, time management books and inspirational quotes books written by me at MY BOOKS page

Hope you liked this collection. Please share this with your friends.


Som Bathla
Som Bathla

Som Bathla loves to and has written many books on developing a growth oriented mindset, increasing productivity, better time management and other areas of personal development. You may check out all his books at He has good plans to continuously create more action guides to help readers to lead a resourceful life. He lives in NCR of Delhi, India with his family. While not working, he loves to spend time with his family, traveling and exploring the next best things.

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